Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

To be a university with international quality standard that produces graduates
that can meet global dynamic changes

To continuously implement comprehensive education, analytical research and
humane society services according to international quality standard

By implementing international quality standards in its entire processes and activities, Universitas Internasional Batam is commited to produced competent and
 competitive graduates with qualified hard skills, soft skills,
leaderships and entrepreneurship skills.

1.      70% program studi terakreditasi “A” oleh Badan Akreditasi
Nasional Perguruan Tinggi.
2.      100% lulusan memiliki TOEIC score minimal 700
3.      90% lulus tepat waktu (waktu kelulusan maksimal 4 tahun)
4.      80% IPK lulusan minimal 3.00
5.      80% mahasiswa memiliki indeks Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap mutu
pelayanan dan fasilitas minimal 4.00 dari skala 5.00
6.      80% dosen memiliki Indeks Kinerja Dosen minimal 3.00 dari skala 4.00
7.      50% lulusan bekerja di perusahaan asing/multinational
corporations atau berwirausaha

We believe that our compassion will promote and empower our continual pursuit of knowledge, willingness to generate and pursue ideas, proposals and actions, motivation to share common values, goals, and benefit.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari COMPASSION 
Cinta dan tugas yang diemban, mengerjakan sesuatu dengan ikhlas, efektif, efisien dan tuntas, berkomitmen, saling mendukung, tanggap dan cermat dalam menyelesaikan tugas serta peduli dan menjaga lingkungan
Compassion is sympathy. The compassionate heart is able to forgive, be patient, and express
tolerance and love. The most fortunate people are able to forgive and
sympathize with all living being (Master Cheng Yen)

We believe that we will fulfill our commitments and promises, demonstrate fairness in our judgements and actions and be honest with ourselves and others.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari INTEGRITY
Bertanggungjawab, produktif, selalu bersedia memberikan informasi, saran, pendapat
untuk kemajuan dengan transparan dan jujur, bersemangat, memiliki
motivasi tinggi dan loyal, amanah (menjaga dan menjalankan
tugas/rahasia), objektif dan empati.
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom (Thomas Jefferson)

3.      WORK SMART
We believe that we shall use resources effectively, efficiently, economically,
and in a timely manner.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari WORK SMART
Bertindak efektif, efisien, tepat waktu dan praktis, terampil dalam mengerjakan sesuatu, berpikir cepat dan bertindak tepat, disiplin, analitis dan kritis
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing (Walt Disney)

We believe that our creativity and ability can contribute new ideas for improvement. We shall constantly seek innovative ways to create value for our customers.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari INNOVATION
 Kreatif dan terus berkarya menghasilkan hal-hal baru dan melakukan improvisasi,
selalu belajar dan mengikuti perkembangan terkini untuk maju dan
fleksibel terhadap perubahan, tidak mudah putus asa, untuk
terus berupaya memberikan solusi.
Be thankful for what you have . Be creative and innovatif. Think of different
angles and positive (Mario Teguh)

5.      TEAM WORK
We believe in using our collective skills, knowledge and experience to meet our stakeholder’s need. Through team work and commitment, we shall build upon
our strenght to realize our full potential and achieve our vision and mission.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari TEAMWORK
Orientasi pada kemajuan bersama, selalu bergotong royong dan saling mendukung, bersedia menyumbangkan pikiran maupun tenaga, tidak diskriminatif, saling menghormati dan menghargai, terbuka, toleran dan bersahabat.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing (Walt Disney)

We believe that we must work with excellence in the areas of teaching, learning, research, and service. We still strive for continuous improvement in our work performance
to finish all task in the best possible way.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari EXCELLENCE
Mengerjakan sesuatu dengan cermat dan cerdas secara terstruktur, sistematis
dan beretika, berorientasi atas hasil yang terbaik, mampu bersaing,
percaya diri dan dapat menjadi contoh baik.
The most significant element is not in our brain, but those which drive our brain-personality,
heart, good deeds and progressive ideas (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

We believe that customer service and staisfaction are fundamental to any succesful long term partnership. We shall provide our customers and stakeholders with
the best service and quality customer care and support.

Keywords and keybehaviours dari CUSTOMER FOCUS
Memberikan pelayanan terbaik (cepat dan akurat) tanpa pamrih dengan sopan, senyum
dan ramah, selalu siap membantu secara optimal dan mampu memberikan
solusi, tidak menunda pekerjaan dan bertanggungjawab.
The most useful people are those who are useful to others (Phrophet Mohammad, pbuh)

Ilmu tanpa etika bagaikan api tanpa kayu bakar. Sedangkan, etika tanpa ilmu bagaikan ruh
tanpa jasad. (Zakariya Al-Anbari)

 by: buku panduan uib batam

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